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How Humming Helps Your Health (you read that right) - 023

Issue 023

Today’s Features

Nitric oxide (NO) is a fascinating molecule that can do wonders for your health and well-being. Not to be confused with nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas), NO plays a crucial role in various bodily functions.  After reading this article, you will also have a solid reason to walk around humming all day. You read that right and yes it's a little weird. 🙂  Let’s dive in. 

Elevate Your Health with Nitric Oxide

What is Nitric Oxide and Why Should You Care?

Think of nitric oxide as your body's internal traffic controller. It relaxes the muscles in your blood vessels, allowing them to widen and increase blood flow. This is great news for your heart and blood pressure. Nitric oxide also acts as a neurotransmitter, helping with memory and learning, and even pitches in to fight off harmful bacteria and tumor cells.

The Benefits of Boosting Your Nitric Oxide Levels

By increasing your nitric oxide levels, you're getting some fantastic health benefits:

1. A healthier heart and lower risk of cardiovascular issues

2. Better exercise performance and endurance

3. A stronger immune system

4. Improved erectile function for men

5. Enhanced brain health and cognitive function

Nitric oxide even has some cool specialized uses. Scuba divers benefit from it as it helps prevent decompression sickness.  In emergency rooms, it's been a proven lifesaver to treat certain respiratory conditions.

Natural Ways to Boost Your Nitric Oxide Levels

Breathing Techniques

Your nose is a nitric oxide factory. By simply breathing through your nose instead of your mouth, you're increasing your nitric oxide production. Try humming while you exhale. The vibrations in your nasal cavity boost nitric oxide levels in your nasal passages up to 15 times compared to quiet exhalation. The body is truly amazing.

You can also try some controlled breathing exercises like deep diaphragmatic breathing or the Buteyko method (shallow breathing with breath-holding). These techniques can help stimulate nitric oxide production.

Eat Your Way to Higher Nitric Oxide Levels

Your diet plays a huge role in nitric oxide production. Here are some foods to focus on:

1. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and arugula

2. Beets and beetroot juice (a nitric oxide powerhouse)

3. Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits)

4. Nuts and seeds (walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds)

These foods are packed with nitrates, which your body converts to nitric oxide, and antioxidants that protect and support nitric oxide molecules.

Supplements for an Extra Boost

If you want to take it a step further, consider these supplements:

1. L-citrulline: This amino acid is a precursor to nitric oxide and provides a more sustained increase compared to L-arginine.  L-arginine has to pass through the liver and much of it gets broken down before turning into nitric oxide.  L-citrulline avoids this pathway and thus provides a more sustained increase in NO. 

2. Nitrate supplements: Often derived from beets, these can enhance exercise performance and help lower blood pressure.

Practical Tips to Incorporate into Your Daily Routine

Here are some easy ways to boost your nitric oxide levels every day:

1. Make a conscious effort to breathe through your nose, especially during exercise or relaxation.

2. Spend a few minutes each day humming softly to yourself.

3. Practice diaphragmatic breathing: lie down, place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen, and take deep breaths that make your abdomen rise more than your chest.

4. Add more leafy greens and beets to your meals. 

5. Snack on citrus fruits and nuts throughout the day.

6. Consider taking L-citrulline supplements if you want an extra boost.

7. Get moving! Regular exercise stimulates nitric oxide production by increasing blood flow.

8. Soak up some sun. UV radiation can trigger nitric oxide release from your skin.

9. Find ways to manage stress, like yoga or meditation, as high stress levels can interfere with nitric oxide synthesis.

Small changes can lead to big results. Start with nasal breathing and humming as they take no extra time or effort.  Add in more healthy habits and supplementation after you have a solid breathing foundation (which have numerous other benefits beyond NO production).

Nitric oxide truly is a remarkable molecule with wide-ranging benefits for your health. From keeping your heart in top shape to boosting your brain power and exercise performance, it's a key player in your overall well-being.  

Humming Warning - Side effects include -  humming induced partner annoyance, increased happiness and/or desires to launch a singing career.  These side effects are worth the risk. Go for it! 🙂 

We hope you are having a great week and you enjoyed today’s article. Mary and I have some exciting changes we’re working on to keep making this the best newsletter to transform how we all view aging and we all age better. FYI - I’m stuck humming the Star Wars theme over and over. Help! 🙂 

Be Timeless,

Mary and John

Publishers, AgeBetter.news


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