30 Quick Tips to Keep Comfort from Killing You

30 Quick Tips to Keep Comfort from Killing You

We have a natural predisposition to seek comfort. Why choose a harder path when an easier one is right in front of you? If you have ever watched the movie Wall-E, you get a glimpse of life when every desire is met with convenience, and when challenge and purpose are no longer key drivers in life.

These quick tips will rescue you from automatically choosing the easy path. Celebrate yourself every time you intentionally choose challenge over comfort.



Sitting for long periods  

Standing and/or walking every hour, even during a movie

Driving short distances  

Walking or biking for nearby errands

Using elevators/escalators

Taking the stairs whenever possible

Screen time before bed  

Reading a book or journaling before sleep

Eating processed snacks  

Snacking on fresh fruits, nuts, or vegetables

Drinking sugary beverages  

Drinking water, herbal teas, or homemade smoothies

Relying on takeout and fast food

Cooking quick healthy meals at home

Staying indoors all day  

Spending at least 30 minutes outdoors daily

Using artificial lighting exclusively  

Getting natural sunlight exposure, especially in the morning

Mindlessly scrolling on smartphones  

Sending a “Thinking of you” note to a friend

Sitting hunched over at a desk  

Practicing good posture and using ergonomic furniture

Avoiding physical exertion

Doing regular strength and mobility exercises

Sticking to your routine

Embracing challenges and setting new goals

Sleeping in a temperature-controlled environment  

Adapting to natural temperature variations when possible - open windows

Consuming excessive caffeine  for energy

Focusing on natural energy boosters like exercise

Eating heavy meals and comfort food late at night 

Having a light, early dinner and fasting overnight

Multi-tasking throughout your day

Practicing focused, single-tasking

Being constantly connected to technology

Scheduling regular digital detox periods

Breathing shallowly or mouth breathing  

Practicing deep, diaphragmatic breathing through the nose

Staying indoors

Regularly spending time in parks, forests, or near water

Sitting in air-conditioned or heated environments all day  

Allowing fresh air circulation by opening windows or going outside

Passively watching TV or movies in leisure time  

Engaging in active leisure, like socializing, sports or gardening

Isolating socially

Cultivating meaningful in-person connections and social activities

Consuming media that promotes passivity  

Seeking out content that inspires action and growth

Relying on medication for minor ailments  

Exploring natural remedies and preventative care

Eating while distracted  

Practicing mindful eating and savoring each bite

Wearing comfortable, soft footwear exclusively

Strengthening feet by going barefoot or using minimalist shoes

Defaulting to convenience foods 

Prioritizing nutrient-dense, whole foods

Relying on your phone for directions and phone numbers

Using your memory to navigate or recall a friend’s number

Using wait time to scroll your phone

Being aware and curious about what is going on all around you

How would your life be different if you intentionally practiced one tip on this list every day?

You may just spark a whole new reservoir of energy and aliveness that has been quietly suffocated by the pursuit of ease and comfort.


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